Archelon's Retargetable Toolset:
Programming tools for your new processor
If you require a software tool set that can be targeted to your unique
microcontroller or DSP,
Archelon's Retargetable Software Development Tools is your answer.
Recent changes:
C compilers for the various models (16, 24, and 32 bits) of the CSR kalimba are
now available for US$995 each. For more information,
see this.
The optimizer pass now also provides aliasing analysis.
The C compiler now includes an optional global optimization pass,
which does the classic compiler optimizations, based on flow analysis,
such as global common sub-expression elimination, dead code elimination,
constant propagation, reduction in strength, and loop induction
variable elimination.
Our Retargetable Tools are now available to run under Linux!
The C compiler now has the ability to let you define additional,
machine-dependent types to support multi-media instructions using
parallel data.
Archelon's tool set, combined with our retargeting service, allows you to
quickly develop a processor specific
Optimizing ANSI C compiler and/or an
assembler or optimizing assembler
for any microcontroller or DSP processor.
The tool kit also comes with an object librarian and a linker,
which you can use immediately as received.
Interested? Here is more information and a few examples:
You can reach us by email at
Archelon Inc.
460 Forestlawn Road
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2K 2J6
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It was last updated on 2020/12/20.